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Ohio Prevailing Wage Rights Law


What is the Prevailing Wage in Ohio

When completing contracted work with the government, most workers, laborers, and skilled tradespeople are entitled to the prevailing wage.

Prevailing wages are established by governmental regulatory industries and are determined by the type of trade and occupation for the public works project. If you are working on a public construction project in the state, then you need to understand Ohio prevailing wage rights.

An Ohio prevailing wage attorney, like those at Barkan Meizlish LLP, can assist you in fully understanding the prevailing wage standards that are in place. If you are involved in a public works project in any capacity and have questions regarding the prevailing wage standards, do not hesitate to contact the prevailing wage attorneys at Barkan Meizlish DeRose Cox, LLP.

Prevailing Wage Basics

Chapter 4115 of the Ohio Revised Code defines the prevailing wage and when it should be applied.

If a state or local government agency hires private contractors to complete a construction project, they must pay the prevailing wage.

The prevailing wage must reflect the total hourly dollar value of:

  • Pension
  • Apprenticeship programs
  • Other contractually obligated fringe benefits
  • Hourly pay
  • Vacation and paid holidays
  • Health insurance
  • Life insurance

Contractors can only claim an exemption from paying the prevailing wage if the project costs less than $250,000 to complete.

Complying with Ohio Prevailing Wage

Prevailing wages change every two years based on collective bargaining agreements between various unions and a governmental organization. As a result, the prevailing wage differs for each type of skilled trades person and in different localities. This means that a mason on a public works project in Summit County will receive a different prevailing wage than a mason in Franklin County. The two tradesmen can also have different wages if they are part of different unions.

Here are some of the unionized tradespeople covered under prevailing wage law:

  • Boilermakers
  • Bricklayers
  • Cement Masons
  • Drywall finishers
  • Electricians
  • Elevator installers and inspectors
  • Glaziers
  • Insulators
  • Ironworkers
  • Laborers
  • Painters
  • Plasterers
  • Plumbers
  • Roofers
  • Sheet metal workers
  • Sprinkler fitter

Overtime Pay under Prevailing Wage Legislation

All workers, even those not subject to prevailing wage legislation, are subject to overtime pay at a rate of 1.5 times their prevailing wage. This applies to all non-exempt employees who exceed 40 hours in a given work week. Though their base pay rate is typically higher than non-unionized employees, tradespeople covered by prevailing wage legislation are also entitled to overtime pay.

Contact Us

If you are part of a public works construction project in any facet, you should understand your rights under Ohio prevailing wage law. Our dedicated, professional legal staff can help answer any questions about prevailing wages or other labor-related matters. The Columbus prevailing wage attorneys with Barkan Meizlish DeRose Cox, LLP are skilled and experienced in helping clients navigate wage laws to build a case against an employer not paying them the lawful wage. Gathering documentation through paystubs, bank statements, and timecards can be a difficult task to complete alone, so don’t hesitate to contact our wage attorneys in Ohio to review your case and give you a free consultation.

Tags: Ohio Prevailing Wage Rights, Prevailing Wage Ohio 2018

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